bodge portrait(About Tom)




windmill powered bandsaw

My version of bodging is the making of chairs, gates, cheese rakes, hay rakes, and anything I can think of from logs - sometimes called green woodwork..

I'm looking at ways of working which reduce the need for power tools, nails and glue as much as possible by choosing joint styles using green natural wood shrinkage and compression joints.

Designing and delivering workshops/events which are more satisfying than spending time on a computer.

Planting trees for green woodwork for my old age, and in the belief bodging will become popular with future generations.

Bodge Rock, the sounds of bodging, 2 mins.

To discuss bodging possibilities etc email me or call 01594 836546

I have Chain Maintenance and felling of small tree certificates CN30/31, First Aid at Work, and am CRB checked regularily.



