(About Tom Cousins)



Exterior mural paintings on walls, hoardings, and caravans - whatever surfaces need imagifying, for business, civic pride or protest.

I'm always on the look out for walls to paint, sometimes groups like Reading the Forest have an image they would like me to paint but have no wall in mind, so if you would like a mural its always worth contacting me, even if you have no money or image in mind, I might be able to match you up with someone who has.

Click on the images to see enlargements.

The Lyon Inn, 2020

East Dean writers, 2018.

Forest High School 2021


Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust 2024

frack off our forest

Anti fracking mural series 2016


Gloucester Palestine Solidarity Group 2024


The Mushets, 2014.

Hands Off Our Forest series 2015

Barton Street, Gloucester, mural by Tom Cousins, commissioned by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust

Barton Street 2023

Gloucester Park 2024

Catherine Drew 2024

Signage 1993-2021

Dennis Potter tribute, 2017.


Welcome to Barton Street, 2023.

Slow down, 2016

nomad kitchen
Nomad Kitchen, 2011

Lydney Alms Houses, 2017


Reckless Designs, 2004, 2016.

FCBC garage, 2019

Bex's truck, 2018

The Shambles, 2001.

Hunderton Community Garden 2022

West Dean writers, 2018.

Parkend garden 2022

Hands Off Our Forest series 2011

St John's Cricket Club 2020


Matt's truck, 2020


Cow Parade London, 2002.

Corrugated fence, Ross, 2024, 2009.

They are us, 2019.

  tiger eyes

Whose eyes, 2011.

Oaklands Pool Hall, 2003.


Coleford Town Hall, 2005 and 2019.

Mining in the Forest, 2002.

Vaughan 2020, 2022.
Broadwell Memorial Hall, 2018

Ross Skate Park, 2014 and 2020

Mutating mural, 2014-20

The Bradford highlights collection, 1990s

Bradford Twin Town mural 1993.

Boarded up shop, Bradford, 1997

Independent Labour Party, 1993

Bradford Twin Town mural 1994

Shipley Paint factory 1991.
Leeds Craft Market 1995

1 in 12 Club, 1991.

There are a lot of advantages to being a local mural painter, its easier to help in the negotiations involved in setting up the project, to spend more time on a better local design consultation process, to take a day off when its raining or showers half way through the day, to identify and fix issues that develop with the painting a few years down the line, to judge how the well the painting acheived its goals and learn from any workmanship flaws in the the work.

When I've painted twin town murals its obvious there a huge differences in what is culturally taken for granted or will cause offense in different countries, this is also true in England regionally, it is easy to accidentally transgress.

The reason my earlier work is in Bradford is that I used to live there and still go back for the odd job. So if you are unfortunate enough not to live in the Forest but want a mural I can travel if I am inspired.

(About Tom) ( links) (Contact)